A shift register will "shift" itself to the left or right by one position every clock cycle. A shift left - shift left circuit, as simple as it sounds is a very important part of many circuits and will be a part of many of my future projects and that is why it needs to be addressed. The code for this circuit in verilog is written below. It is very simple and does not need any detailed explanation.
It is controlled by 2 control signals which determines whether the circuit will shift right or left. If control[0] is high the circuit will shift right and if control[1] is high the circuit will shift left and if both are low stay with the default value. The data shifted is stored in an internal register and is output as a bus. I have coded it using if - else statements. This can also be coded using a case block if further control is required.
It is controlled by 2 control signals which determines whether the circuit will shift right or left. If control[0] is high the circuit will shift right and if control[1] is high the circuit will shift left and if both are low stay with the default value. The data shifted is stored in an internal register and is output as a bus. I have coded it using if - else statements. This can also be coded using a case block if further control is required.
module shift( input clock, input reset, input [1:0] control, input in, output [7:0] out ); reg [7:0] r_reg, r_next; //a 7 bit shift register which will be output as is, this can be changed to any size always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if(reset) r_reg <= 0; else r_reg <= r_next; end always @ (*) begin if(control[0]) //shift right r_next = {in, r_reg[7:1]}; else if(control[1]) //shift left r_next = {r_reg[6:0], in}; else r_next = r_reg; //default state stays the same end assign out = r_reg; endmodule
Testbench code below:
module test; // Inputs reg clock; reg reset; reg [1:0] control; reg in; // Outputs wire [7:0] out; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) shift uut ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .control(control), .in(in), .out(out) ); initial begin clock = 0; forever #50 clock = ~clock; end initial begin // Initialize Inputs reset = 0; control = 0; in = 0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; reset = 1; #200; reset = 0; in = 1'b1; #200; control = 2'b01; #300; control = 2'b10; #300; control = 2'b00; #300; control = 2'b11; #200 $stop; // Add stimulus here end initial begin $display("clock control r_reg"); $monitor("%b,%b,%b", clock, control, out); end endmodule
Can you tell me the test bench code for simulation working?